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Foundations of Business for Yoga

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A step-by-step, action-driven course to find clarity and set up your Yoga business for success

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The Long Version I started my yoga journey many years ago in India in my early twenties. I was definitely not the perfect yoga student and far from living the #yogaeverydamnday life. I loved the practice but I found it difficult to stay consistent. However, I always managed to find my way back to it, especially in hard times. This brings us to the Covid Pandemic (definitely a hard time). After being put on furlough at my company, watching half the catalogue of Netflix and loosing my mind in a mixture of boredom, anxiety and depression, I decided to take action and bring myself back. I joined a 200hrs YTT. The aim was not to teach but to do something for myself and learn more about this practice that I kept going back to in hardship. I felt so much better, almost immediately! By the end of the training, I was back to my old self and decided to teach a few classes “just to see”. And I found what was missing in my practice for all these years. The teaching part was a revolution for me. It kept me consistent, accountable, deepened my passion and brought me so much joy and fulfilment. I was hooked. Shortly after, I created my first business and less than a year later, I quit my full-time job. I couldn’t believe how quickly everything happened, especially when seeing so many other teachers struggling around me. I realized that being great at teaching yoga wasn’t enough to make a living, that teaching 15+ classes per week was taking the joy out the practice and that most teachers around me were on the verge of burn out and/or discouraged. I also realized that Yoga Teacher Trainings teach you everything you need to know to teach yoga but nothing when it comes to building a business and a career as a Yoga Teacher. And that is the main thing that set me apart. I have a MBA, I studied management, business strategies, marketing, finances and all the things that can make or break your business All the things that are not taught at a YTT. The Yoga CEOs was born to fill in the gap between the Yoga Teacher Trainings and the reality of being a business owner. I now get to help and to support many yoga teachers in turning their passion into a sustainable and fulfilling career and build the life they thought was only a dream.

Hi, I'm Lilly

Welcome to The Yoga CEOs! I'm a yoga teacher and business coach dedicated to transforming the lives of yoga teachers and helping you thrive in your chosen path.

Here is the short version:

I discovered the practice of yoga during a semester in India while completing my MBA in Business and Management. After graduating, I moved to South Africa and started my career as an international sales consultant for a big corporate group.


Fast forward to 2021, when after being put on furlough at my job, I decided to do something for myself and joined a 200hrs YTT. What was supposed to be a way to deepen my own personal practice, quickly turned into a calling. I LOVED teaching.


In 2022, I took the plunge into entrepreneurship, creating my first successful business which led to me quitting my full-time corporate job less than a year later.

The Yoga CEOs was created shortly after when I saw the need to support yoga teachers navigate the intricate world of entrepreneurship and help them create the life they dream of.

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