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The Foundations of Business for Yoga

You want to take your Yoga Teaching seriously but don't know where to start?

You're in the right place: Find clarity with this step-by-step method to create your profitable and sustainable Yoga business in just 2 weeks.

Limited Space available!

Let me guess, you just finished your Yoga Teacher Training, maybe you even taught a few classes and posted flowy reels on Instagram. It's been a few months since you graduated but becoming a full-time Yoga teacher still feels overwhelming, a bit scary and honestly, unreachable.


The truth is that Yoga and  Yoga Teaching skills are not enough to be a successful (and profitable) Yoga Teacher. That’s because you are not just a Yoga Teacher, you are also a business owner and therefore you need business skills.

Having a clear idea of your vision, defining your profitable niche, choosing strategies and creating powerful working habits are all key factors to being a successful Yoga Teacher, even more so than creating the perfect sequence for your class (yes, I dared say it).


The good news is, you don’t have to figure it out alone.  We’re going to do it TOGETHER, STEP-BY-STEP.

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Then, you are in the right place!

This course is the FIRST STEP to creating your profitable and sustainable yoga business so you can finally live the life of your dreams.

Let’s be honest: there is a big difference between graduating as a Yoga Teacher and actually becoming one. And while you were taken by the hand and shown what to do during your YTT, you're now on your own with no idea where to go or what to do.


So you do what everyone is doing: you apply at a few studios, maybe you start your own classes. You say yes to everything, often for very little money and you end up running across the city, barely covering your cost.

So you take another Yoga Teacher Training, you enroll in specialisation courses from Yin Yoga to Hot 26, hoping that it will give you a competitive edge in the industry. 

But a couple of years later, you spent more money than you made, you feel exhausted, defeated and seriously reconsidering if this is worth it.


Worse, you start to believe that you’re not a good teacher (or at least not good enough), that you don’t have what it takes, that the problem must be you if you can’t get it right while others do. 


The difference between struggling Yoga Teachers and the ones making 6 figures has nothing to do with Yoga or their Yoga teaching skills. Like in most creative industries, talent is not enough to make it. 

Your YTT taught you everything you need to know to be a Yoga Teacher, but no one taught you how to be a Yoga entrepreneur.

You don’t need another training to teach you how to be a Yoga teacher. 

You need a course to teach you how to be a business owner.


The good news is that business skills are teachable, therefore learnable and it’s a lot less complicated than you think. 

Over 2 weekends of working together, using the L.A.S.T method, we will define and build the 4 foundations needed to set your Yoga business up for success.

No more guessing, the next step is mapped out clearly. You have clarity on the work that needs to be done, confidence on how to do it and trust on why you’re doing it. Your work is aligned with your values and your business is helping you create the life you want not the other way around.

The course modules:

  • Module 1: Define your long term Vision for real clarity

  • Module 2 : Identify your profitable niche to make a real impact

  • Module 3: Create your Business Plan to find structure

  • Module 4: Understand Marketing basics to build an engaged audience

  • Module 5: Always know what your next step is with the 90 day method

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Define your long-term Vision for real clarity

  • Learn how to create a long term vision that keeps you motivated - even on days when you feel like giving up.

  • The 7 questions that can save you 2 years of work in just 2 hours.

  • How to make sure your business helps you build your dream life and not the other way around.

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Within 24 hours of your booking, you will receive the course manual. You can already go through it and familiarize yourself with some of the concepts.

Don’t worry, there is no work that needs to be done prior to the course. We will do everything together.


I created this course so that your notes don’t end up taking dust in the draw of your desk to be forever forgotten.

Not only we will go through all the concepts in detail with a chance for you to ask all your questions, but we will do the work together so that you have the confirmation and reassurance that you are on the right track.


After this course, you will have solid foundations for your business, your very own 90-day plan to fast-track your progress and the methodology to keep doing it on your own again and again. Your business will finally start working for you and help you create the life that you want, not the other way around.

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A gift of a course. Highly recommend for anyone who feels like they have no idea where to start.

Esethu - Knysna

  • When is the live course?
    We will meet online on: Saturday14th September 2024 from 09:00 to 14:00 SAST Sunday 15th September 2024 from 09:00 to 14:00 SAST Saturday 21st September 2024 from 09:00 to 14:00 SAST Sunday 22nd September 2024 from 09:00 to 14:00 SAST
  • What platform is the course on?
    Zoom. You only need the free version.
  • What happens if I miss a session?
    All sessions are recorded and uploaded to YouTube. You have lifelong access to the recordings.
  • Is there work to be done outside of the sessions?
    We try to do all the work during the sessions but at times you may be asked to finish a task outside of the Zoom calls.
  • When are the group business coaching calls (Premium version only)?
    Sunday 3rd November 2024 at 17:00 SAST Sunday 22nd December 2024 at 17:00 SAST Group coaching are held on Zoom and based on 90 minutes but duration will depend on the needs of the group.
  • When will my 1:1 private coaching call take place (Premium version only)?
    Your session is valid for 1 year from 22nd September 2024. You can decide on the date and time and email me to confirm availability.
  • Is this course for me if I never taught Yoga before?
    Yes, definitely! This course is designed to help you develop the foundational business skills needed to set up your Yoga Business. Yu do not nee dot be a experienced Yoga teacher.
  • This course is not for you if…
    You want to become a Yoga Influencer. This course doesn’t focus on social media and I am not qualified to teach you about influencers. This is a Business Course for yoga teachers ready to step into the Business Owner world You’re looking for “get rich quick” solutions. Nothing that I will teach you will give you quick results but if you stay consistent and do the work, you will build a sustainable and profitable business. It won't happen overnight. You want to teach Yoga as a hobby. Nothing wrong with that but this course is for Yoga teacher who want to teach Yoga full-time. Your principal motivation is money. I am not interested in working with people whose only motivation is their bank account and I ask that you do not register to this course. This is an impact-driven community and I want to it stay this way. Thank you.
  • Is the Premium version really worth it?
    Yes, definitely! The Premium version was the only version of the course available when I launched it January 2024 as I find having a support and accountability system the biggest key to success. Having the knowledge is great but it’s not enough. I can teach you everything I know, but if you do not apply it to your business it is worthless. The premium version not only keeps you accountable but also ensures that you are fully supported. It’s priceless. However I understand that at the start of a business journey, not everyone has the same financial means to allocate to their growth. That is why I kept pricing affordable and added the basic version.

I tried to answer all the questions that you may have but if something is still unclear, please email me at There are no stupid questions …

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